Michael C. Wiener
For State Senate District 21
” I’m proud to have served the people of New Mexico as an elected official at the city, county, and state levels;
But, I’m not done fighting for you!”
“I’m a proven problem solver and I’m ready to go back to work to fight for you as your State Senator:”
- Ensure that dangerous criminals are kept in jail and fix our broken bail bond system
- Get the Homeless off our streets and into Drug, Alcohol, and Mental Health Treatment Facilities!
- Defend our Second Amendment rights!
- Create incentives to attract more doctors and keep them from leaving New Mexico
- Fight for school choice vouchers, charter schools, and home school tax credits!
- Aid small businesses by supporting pro-business policies!
- Stop Catalytic Converter Theft – Enact tougher penalties and a licensing requirement for Recyclers and anyone else who sells them!
- Secure our open border to prevent illegal immigration and stop Human Trafficking and the flow of illegal drugs into our state!

Republican Primary
June 4th, 2024

Michael’s Announcement
May 25, 2023
Michael Wiener, a common sense conservative, and a 51-year Albuquerque resident has today announced that he is seeking the Republican nomination for State Senate, District 21 in Albuquerque’s far Northeast Heights (East of I-25 and North of Academy Blvd.)
Now retired, Michael was a real estate broker for 25 years and founded a successful small business he operated for five years.
Wiener is the only person in history to have been elected to serve as an Albuquerque City Councillor, State Senator, and County Commissioner. A founding member and spokesman for the very first MADD chapter in New Mexico in 1982. Wiener has been very involved in civic affairs over the past forty years. As a City Councillor in the late 1980’s he sponsored the Vest-A-Cop program that got Albuquerque’s Police Officers their very first Bullet Proof Vests and initiated the roll-out cart program for trash collection. He also sponsored the police Helicopter initiative and got the police substation built just east of Manzano High School.
As a State Senator Representing District 20, Michael reformed real estate licensing laws, sponsored the very first concealed carry law (NM Personal Protection Act), and a comprehensive revision of the state’s motor vehicle code. His voting record was the 4th most conservative as ranked by the Association of Commerce and Industry.
While a County Commissioner, Wiener got the Eubank Blvd widening completed from Academy to Paseo Del Norte, got funding for new Little League fields, enhanced animal protection laws and enforcement, and sponsored the program to have inmates working at the MDC. A strong law enforcement supporter, he also voted to hire more Sheriff deputies; despite the opposition of then Commissioner Michelle Lujan Grisham.
“I look forward to being a conservative voice in the State Senate, to support Second Amendment Rights and to stand up to our Governor who I spent two years sitting next to on the County Commission.” I want to ensure that New Mexico moves forward!
District 21 is currently represented by Mark Moores who has told supporters that he will not be seeking re-election.
The Experienced Leadership Our State Needs
Former Albuquerque City Councillor
Former New Mexico State Senator
Former Bernalillo County Commissioner
Michael’s Vision For The Future
New Mexico is a state with a wealth of natural resources, including oil and gas reserves, which when managed properly can drive our economy forward. However, as we look to the future, we must balance this resource with our commitment to creating a healthy and prosperous state that benefits all members of our community.
At the same time, we must also take a responsible approach to managing our oil and gas resources. This means working with industry leaders to develop sustainable extraction methods that minimize the impact on our environment.
With so many pressing issues facing our state, each issue must be addressed as part of a comprehensive plan. To achieve this vision, the Land of Enchantment must make a greater investment in education and healthcare to ensure that every resident has access to quality education and proper medical care.
Our healthcare and educational systems will be enhanced by promoting innovation; by investing in new technologies and programs. Our goal should be to make it easier to access medical care and to provide resources for a quality education while creating new jobs.
We can promote economic development and job growth while providing the necessary resources to help our residents thrive and achieve their full potential.
As your next State Senator, I will work to ensure that we achieve a bright future that benefits all New Mexicans. By leveraging our natural resources, investing in education and healthcare, promoting innovation, and fostering cooperation between state leaders and industry stakeholders, we can build and achieve this vision.
Ready to take the next step and support Michael?
Get Involved
I am incredibly grateful for individuals like you who share my passion for positive change.
Getting involved in my campaign can mean several things, such as volunteering your time and expertise, making donations, or spreading the word about my campaign through various channels. Whatever form your involvement may take, know that every contribution counts and is deeply appreciated.
Thank you for joining my campaign.
Michael C. Wiener
Don’t Forget to Vote!
The New Mexico State Primary is June 4th, 2024

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